Date: 08-02-2020
Time: 9 to 10am
Venue: Botany lab-1
Resource person: Dr. TM. Shethal Raj ( Dept. of Biotech)
Target audience: III BSc students
The objective of lecturer is to understand the practical concept of selectable markers and reporter genes, their applications in plant biotechnology & genetic engineering.
About the lecture:
An Inter Departmental Guest lecture was delivered by Dr. TM. Shethal Raj, HOD, Dept. of Biotech, for students of III year about the concept of SELECTABLE MARKERS & REPORTER GENES, Which are used in plant biotechnology, as an indication of whether certain gene has been taken up by organism. The lecture began with the discussion of tissue culture and it’s applications in Botany, followed by selectable marker genes. She explained about the different types of reporter genes like luciferase, GUS, Green fluroscent protein with the help of powerpoint presentation.
This lecture also includes information about selectable markers, which are introduced into a cell especially bacterium to indicate the success of transfection. Selectable markers are often antibiotic resistance genes.