Youth Red Cross

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Youth Red Cross

The Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) is a voluntary humanitarian organization to protect human life and health based in India. The society's mission is providing relief in times of disasters/emergencies and promoting health & care of vulnerable people and communities. 

 Youth Red Cross has the following three principles:

  •    Protection of Health & Life
  •    Service to the Sick & Suffering
  •    Promotion of National & International Friendship, to develop the mental and moral capacities of the youth

Youth Red Cross society


• To inculcate love and care among the youth of our country.
• Awareness on the care of their own health and that of others.
• The understanding and acceptance of civic responsibilities and acting accordingly with humanitarian concern and to fulfill the same.
• To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication and devotion in the minds of youth.
• To foster better friendly relationship with all without any discrimination.

• Blood donation campe
• First Aid Box Refilling
• Medical Camp I & II
• Orphanage Camp I & II
• Social Awareness Camp
• Picasso for JRC
• Road Safety Program
• Disaster Management
• Organ Donation Camp

World Organ Donation Day :: 13-08-2019

On occassion of World Organ Donation Day we conducted an awareness program through SETKUR and YRC. An Essay writing competetion was conducted on Awareness on Oragan Donation. Students form degree classes have attended. A painting competetion was also conducted on the same topic.

Mr. P V Ramana, Manager, Setkur was the cheif guest and spoke about the importance of Organ Donation. He said that these kind of program are organised by SETKUR every year to create awareness on Organ Donation. The other dignitaries present in the function were Mr. Bhima Shakar Reddy, IRC, Kurnool Corodinator, Dr. K Shantha, Principal, Ms. Y Showrilu Reddy, Sr. Principal, Dr. C V Satyanarayana, YRC, Coordinator etc.


Academic Year Description
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Covid 19 has caused Immense loss to life. With the convention of covishied and co-vaxin  in India , the mass vaccination proceeded and  virus quickly needed resulting in less cases. Thanks to the Government of India.

Some people feared to get vaccinated. The College has made efforts to check , if any one was left without vaccination . Many students were found without vaccination.

The Department of Microbiology made every  effort to educate the students, servants and parents about the need to get vaccinated. The Health Department was informed and we saw that every one received two doses of vaccination.

Total 920 students got vaccinated.